Dummit Fradin

Meet Criminal Defense Attorney Anastasia Tramontozzi | Dummit Fradin

DWI / DUI Sentencing Factors in North Carolina | Dummit Fradin

Meet Attorney Clarke Dummit, Founder of Dummit Fradin

Modifying Child Custody in North Carolina

Driving Privileges After a DWI in NC | Dummit Fradin

Physical and Legal Custody, What's the Difference?

DWI Blood Tests and Your North Carolina DWI Case

Challenging Breathalyzer Test Results in a North Carolina DWI Case

What is the Cost of a DWI in North Carolina?

The NC Second Chance Act Opens Up Expungement Eligibility

How can I get Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for my loved one?

Possession of Ecstasy: What are the Penalties and What's the Defense?

What are the Top 3 Immigration Interview Mistakes?

What are Sunset Clauses?

What happens if you get a DUI under 21 in NC?

How does my bond get set?

Why it is Important to Hire a Family Law Attorney

When Can I not leave a Crash?

Can a DWI be Dismissed in North Carolina?

Joint vs Full Custody: A Family Lawyer Explains

Attorney Talk: Will a DWI Charge Have an Effect on my Child Custody?

Do I need a Divorce Attorney if my ex and I agree on everything?

Marijuana vs Hemp in the Courtroom

Separation Agreements Simplified